Helsinki Region Infoshare
- Real Estate
- Healthcare
Data source type
Analysis unit
Geographical coverage
Time period coverage
The Helsinki Region Infoshare (HRI) service aims to make regional information quickly and easily accessible to all. Essentially, HRI is a web service for fast and easy access to open data sources between the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.
The data published is mainly statistical, giving a comprehensive and diverse outlook on different urban phenomena, such as
- living conditions
- economics and well-being
- employment
- transport
A good proportion of the data material offered by the service is GIS based. The data may be used by citizens, businesses, universities, academies, research facilities or municipal administration. The data on offer is ready to be used freely at no cost. There are no limitations on users; anyone interested in open data can participate.
Cite as
Citation instructions are provided at each dataset in the repository.
Contact information is provided on the HRI website.