Data Tools & Services

Storage and Computational Services

Below you can find storage and computational services that can be of use when working with data. 

Data-related services

Aalto Data Agents

Data Agents are researchers who work to improve data management in their department, school, or unit. They are a first, practical, hands-on resource to researchers in their department and organise a wide variety of training seminars.

Aalto Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)

Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) is a reliable, secure, and user-friendly browser-based Electronic Laboratory Notebook application. It a useful tool for researchers to capture, organize, and manage experiments. It also improves documentation, preservation of research information, collaboration and harmonization of work practices within research groups at Aalto​.

Aalto Materials Digitalization Platform

Aalto Materials Digitalization Platform (AMAD) is an open materials data infrastructure provided at Aalto University. As a modular digital notebook and research platform, AMAD facilitates data collection, data management, procedure tracking, post-processing, dissemination of results and sharing of materials informatics with collaborators.


The Learning Centre provides access to a large collection of electronic resources and printed materials in Aalto University fields of research. All the electronic and printed materials can be found in Aalto-Primo. When you login with Aalto University account, you can access licensed content also outside the campus.

Aalto University Archive collections and catalogues

The archive collections contain Aalto University's and its predecessors' document collections, numerous personal and private archives, student work and diploma work collections and extensive image archives.

Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science

Good research data management enables open science. Aalto University provides services, instructions and support to help researchers manage their data well. These pages are a collection of instructions and services available at Aalto, with links to selected external instructions added on.

Research Software Engineers

Aalto Research Software Engineers (RSEs) provide specialist support in research software development, data, and computing. We make more computationally and data-intensive projects possible for everyone.

Database Wiki

Database Wiki is a knowledge base, which captures general information about the databases, collects best practices and addresses common problems.

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