Nasdaq Nordic Equity TotalView - ITCH Market Feed
- Stock markets
Data source type
Analysis unit
Geographical coverage
Time period coverage
Researcher's at Aalto University have collected archive order flow data from Nasdaq Nordic and Baltic stock exchanges. The original data is non-human-readable binary data designed to stream minimalized messages containing changes to the exchange orderbook, and contains all orders and information messages submitted to stock exchanges from 2010 to present at nanosecond level. The data has been enhanced by Aalto researchers so that the daily files of the data are downloadable in human-readable format for a month after each trading day.
The enhanced data source works through "clever code", which can be used to:
• Reconstruct order book state at any time (full book depth, all securities and exchanges)
• Create new, ready made 10 or 5 minute snapshots of book state for easy use
The data is being further developed to allow researchers to run the code and make changes to it themselves, and the data source is free to use in academic research in Aalto.
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